Printing Business set to Boom for Upcoming Election

BANGKOK, March 9 (TNA) — The general election is looming so campaign posters can be seen everywhere to introduce the possible candidates, political parties as well as the leaders of the parties.

The moves reflect that the printing business is likely to revive after three years of sluggishness.

The campaign posters-big and small sizes are now all over the footpath of the streets at the moment.

The posters show the faces of core leaders of the political parties, the possible candidates who intend to run for the members of parliament in local areas.

Some posters tell the policies of the parties to lure the voters to choose the right person and right party. The atmosphere is quite different from the past three years that are under the pandemic as the COVID-19 spread all over the country.

During the period, the printing business has to overhaul from receiving printing orders solely to catch other businesses to increase liquidity.

Some of the printing houses change to produce the packaging that was booming during the government’s campaign to encourage the people to stay at home to prevent COVID-19. However, some printing firms cannot adjust the businesses in time so that their businesses have to be closed particularly the small printing companies.

The upcoming general election is seen as a new hope for the printing business. Many printing houses are preparing since late last year to response the high demand.

They improve the capability of the printing, add new printing technology such as inkjet system printing machine that can print high resolution image in term of quality and quantity.

At the moment, there are orders from customers to produce vinyl campaign posters continuously.

It is expected that in 2023, the printing business will grow at the fastest rate in three years. The money will be circulated more than 40 billion baht.
Meanwhile, the packaging business is still going well. In overall picture, the printing and packaging industries in 2023 will grow more than 5 per cent, worth around 300 billion baht.

One thing that can also be seen at the moment is the campaign parade cars that go to every corner of the streets to publicize the possible candidates and party’s policy. The campaign parade cars are not plenty at this time but it is believed that the numbers will be gradually increased.

The Federation of Thai Industries expects that this election will push the sale of pick-up truck at least 15 per cent. (TNA)


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