Ambassadors praise Thailand for implementing national reform roadmap

Ambassadors praise Thailand for implementing national reform roadmap
BANGKOK, Jan 15 — The compliments came from the ambassadors of Russia, Australia, Switzerland and Canada who met Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Tanasak Patimapragorn today.
Russian ambassador to Thailand Kirill Barsky said he welcomed the emphasis on reform and was pleased with results of the official visit to Thailand of Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov last Friday. He said that it was agreed to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Thai-Russian diplomatic relations beginning next year. The anniversary falls in 2017.
Paul Robilliard, Australian ambassador, said he followed Thai politics and admired the Thai government for allowing all parties to have their say in national reform. Thailand is at the center of Southeast Asia and his country's most important trading partner.
Ambassador Robilliard said that on the 10th anniversary of the Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement this year, both countries would increase mutual trade and investment. He promised to bring Australian businesses to explore trade and investment opportunities in Thailand.
Gen Tanasak quoted Swiss ambassador Christine Burgener as praising the government for listening to all parties on national reform. She promised that Switzerland was ready to share its experience in election organisation and suppressing corruption with Thailand.
Canadian ambassador Philip Calvert said that Thailand had progressed in its reform as planned in the government's reform roadmap, Gen Tanasak said. 
Ambassador Calvert hoped Thailand would successfully introduce true democracy. He also praised Thailand for its leading role in forming the ASEAN Community and its coordination of relations between ASEAN and China. He promised to boost bilateral cooperation in trade and investment. (MCOT online news) 


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