TAT Advises Tourists to Adopt ‘New Normal’ Practices

BANGKOK, June 8 (TNA) — The governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has encouraged tourists to embrace ‘New Normal’ behaviours as tourism promotion measures will be concluded next week.

TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn said Thai people wanted to go on vacation for relaxation after staying home to contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

“From now on tourism will not be the same. New Normal tourism will see social distancing, limited numbers of visitors and reservations before trips to ensure safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19. I would like all tourists to accept this and adapt,” Mr Yuthasak said.

“Tourism will be of quality and will not place burdens on the environment.”

The TAT governor said Thai people were likely to adapt to post-COVID-19 tourism practices because they had had experiences with past crises like SARS and the tsunami and had adapted.

As Thai people were ready for vacation and tourism was a main engine driving the economy, the government would issue measures to stimulate tourism in the low season from July to October, Mr Yuthasak said.

Afterwards, tourists would spend in the high season depending on their purchasing power, he said.

Tourism promotion measures would be worked out next week and submitted to the cabinet later, the TAT governor said. (TNA)


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