Space Technology Lab Project Initiated in Chiang Rai

BANGKOK, Aug 19 (TNA) – The House committee on telecommunications and the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) are pushing for a space technology laboratory in Wiang Pa Pao district of Chiang Rai province.

The planned facility can be a learning center and support forest protection and the planning of resources.

Col Settapong Malisuwan, vice chairman of the House committee on communications, telecommunications and digital economy and society, said that this week the committee considered the project to establish the Space Technology Laboratory at Wiang Pa Pao Technical College in Chiang Rai.

A learning center and a youth camp on space technology will be first set up to produce volunteers on space technology communications. Then relevant equipment will be installed and personnel will be trained for the development of scientific instruments and small satellites.

Col Settapong said the project would provide the North with a modern learning center on space activities and the center could alert local people to any deforestation in real time with satellite images.

The facility could also help the assessment of disaster impacts and issue warnings on possible disasters to people. It could support farmland management and develop young people into space technology professionals in the future, Col Settapong said. (TNA)


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