International Holocaust Remembrance Day Marked in Bangkok

BANGKOK, Feb 2 (TNA) — January 27th is the annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day, designated by the United Nations to preserve the memory of the Holocaust, in honor of six million Jews, including one million children, and five million others who were systematically and brutally murdered by the Nazis during WWII.

The Embassy of Israel in Bangkok organized a gathering to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day starting with the lighting of six candles in memory of the six million victims.

The candles were lit by Ambassadors of Israel, the Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany and UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand. The event continued with a speech by the Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany Mr. Ernst Reichel on “Understandingthe circumstances that allowed the Holocaust to happen, and how Germany approaches education to prevent this from happening again”.

Dr. Gen Chatelier, Director of International Affairs at Assumption University, spoke about “How to prepare students to understand Holocaust“, and the Ambassador of Israel closed the discussion by talking about the consequences of failing in providing good education.

The Holocaust happened more than 80 years ago but the lessons from the atrocities are just as relevant today as they were then; hatred, intolerance, massacres and horrific incidents are still taking place around the globe. During the ceremony, Ambassador Sagiv said, “Unfortunately, Hamas’s murderous attack on Israel on the October 7, was the latest incident reminding us that atrocities like these are not a matter of the past. It is our responsibility to educate the future generation in order to prevent them from happening again”.-813


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