
Hindus in Malaysia Celebrate Deepavali in Harmonious Atmosphere

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 7 (RTM/ASIAVISION) – Hindus in Malaysia on Tuesday celebrated Deepavali in a harmonious and joyous atmosphere.

The festival of lights was made more meaningful with the presence of people of all races who visited their Hindu friends through the ‘Open House’ tradition.

Deepavali represents triumph of good over evil. In literal terms, Deepavali means row of lights – ‘Deepa’ means lights and ‘Avali’ means row.

The colourful festival is also called ‘Diwali’ by the North Indians.  Celebrating the occasion, Hindus illuminate their homes using clay lamps with wicks called ‘Diyas’ or other forms of lights.

The Golden glow of these lamps not only signify the warmth that light can bring but also signify the accomplishment of all material attributes, be it riches and fame, or knowledge, success and peace.

The entrances of houses are also decorated with lovely traditional kolam motif to welcome Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Certain rituals like the oil bath and even the adorning of new clothes are traditions on the auspicious day.

The Hindu community would start the day by going to the temple early morning before visiting their relatives and friends.

The ‘Open House Visit’ is most certainly an interesting activity as one will get to taste a wide variety of delicious Indian cuisine, sweets and cookies with ‘Murukku’ being the signature savoury.

Ultimately, like any other religious festivals celebrated by all religions, Deepavali is about seeing the light in oneself and others while eliminating all negativity. (RTM/ASIAVISION)


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