
Government Urges People Not to Lower Guard

BANGKOK, July 11 (TNA) — The government asked people not to lower their guard against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a survey showed they compromised their protection.

Deputy government spokesperson Traisulee Traisoranakul said the Public Health Ministry found from its survey that people were worried about the possible second spread of COVID-19 but believed that the government would contain it. The survey also found that people were less serious about protecting themselves from possible infection.

Although the local COVID-19 situation improved, the pandemic remained critical in many other countries. Unless people seriously protected themselves, the second spread of COVID-19 could happen in the country and have impacts in many dimensions, Ms Traisulee said.

“The government is thankful for public confidence in its disease control. The government thanks all parties that have done their best and expresses gratitude towards people for their important roles in helping contain the disease in the country. While the government considerably eases disease control measures to revitalize the economy, everyone must prioritize self-protection with new normal lifestyles to be saved from infection,” Ms Traisulee said. (TNA)


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