SURIN, Jan 3 (TNA) – Over 150 people convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) during New Year holiday in the northeastern
province of Surin perform public service as part of a campaign against drunk
driving in the province.
The offenders on probation provided the public service
arranged by the Department of Probation by holding up placards and banners with
anti-drunk driving messages on the roadside near Surin Prison.
Head of Surin Probation Office Siya Thondee said 462 people
had been arrested and given probation for violating traffic law during the New
Year holiday.
The campaign site was selected as it was the main
interprovincial highway, she said.
In addition, the Department gave away safety helmets for
motorcyclists to raise their awareness on road safety, said Siya. (TNA)