Exodus Causes Traffic Congestion on Mitraphrap Highway
Traffic thickened on Mitrapharp Highway in Sikhiu district of Nakhon Ratchasima, the gateway of the Northeast, as the New Year exodus began.
Traffic thickened on Mitrapharp Highway in Sikhiu district of Nakhon Ratchasima, the gateway of the Northeast, as the New Year exodus began.
Exodus to the North and the Northeast caused traffic congestion as people went on vacation during the extended holiday before the Buddhist Lent.
The government asks people to refrain from inter-provincial trips to help control the coronavirus disease 2019.
The Ministry of Transport is closely monitoring the movement of people from April 10 to 12 as the period normally sees an exodus
Huge crowds of people packed the Mor Chit bus terminal as authorities expect about 160,000 people will board inter-provincial buses
Thai authorities are gearing up for the exodus of New Year revelers who will begin their journey from Bangkok to their hometowns and tourist destinations.
Many highways are more congested compared with traffic conditions yesterday as snarl-ups are expected this evening after the end of the last weekday