BANGKOK, Oct 19 (TNA) – Police are on standby to minimize traffic impacts on general motorists as about 1,000 trucks will run slowly in protest against rising fuel prices in greater Bangkok, the Central Plains, the East and the Northeast.

The truckers are the members of the Land Transport Federation of Thailand. In the demonstration called “Truck Power”, they demanded the government freeze the diesel price at 25 baht a liter, cut excise tax on oil by 5 baht per liter and suspend contributions from the diesel price to the Energy Fund for 1 year.
Pol Lt Gen Preecha Charoensahayanont, on behalf of the commissioner of the Royal Thai Police, ordered subordinates to manage traffic to cope with the protest. He also told the federation not to affect general people or violate any law.
The federation planned the protest on six routes and advised motorists to avoid them. It apologized for impacts and said the demonstration would end at about 2pm today. (TNA)