GPO to Increase Favipiravir Production

BANGKOK, Aug 3 (TNA) – The Government Pharmaceutical Organization plans to produce more than 40 million tablets of favipiravir per month from October onwards.

GPO managing director Dr Witoon Danwiboon said GPO already started the local production of antiviral drug favipiravir after the Food and Drug Administration had registered it on July 13.

The locally produced drug with its trade name Favir contained 200 milligrams of the medicine per tablet.

GPO planned to produce 2.5 million tablets in packs and expected FDA to approve the design of its Favir bottles this month. GPO would make 23 million favipiravir tablets next month and at least 40 million tablets per month from October onwards.

Dr Witoon assured that GPO would stock enough favipiravir to cope with local COVID-19 outbreaks. It imported 13 million tablets of the drug last month and will acquire 43.1 million more tablets this month. (TNA)


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