
Thai Industrial Sentiment up for 3rd Month in July

BANGKOK, August 20 (TNA) – Thailand’s Industries Sentiment Index (TISI) improved for the third consecutive month in July as the reopening of the economy continues.

The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) announced on Thursday that the TISI in July stood at 82.5, rising from 80.0 in June.

FTI Chairman Supant Mongkolsuthree said that after the index nosedived to the lowest in 11 years in April, it had gradually increased in the past three months. 

The TISI indicated higher confidence in the economy after the COVID-19 lockdown had been relaxed, said Supant.

Nevertheless, the FTI chairman said, business operators were more concerned about the political situation.  Politics topped the list of negative factors in the eyes of business operators, followed by the oil prices and interest rate, he added. 

Supant repeatedly called on the government to help entrepreneurs and SMEs out of the liquidity crunch from decreasing cash flow and expedite its investment projects to boost the domestic economy. (TNA)


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