Sukhothai Faces Severe Flooding

SUKHOTHAI, Oct 2 (TNA) – Floodwaters from the north converged with the overflowing Yom River, inundating hundreds of homes in Sukhothai Province

Large volumes of water, which had previously flooded areas in Phrae and Lampang provinces have now flowed downstream and added to the rising waters in Sukhothai. Many are worried that this deluge could threaten the local economy.

A road near the Yom River Bridge in front of  Wat Wang Yai in Sri Samrong district, located in the northern part of Sukhothai, was damaged last night when the Yom River eroded it, creating a breach more than 30 meters long.

This breach has caused a rapid influx of water, inundating nearly 200 homes. Residents were caught off guard, and their belongings and essential items, have been submerged.

Furthermore, another embankment near Wat Ko in Si Samrong has also collapsed, allowing floodwaters to inundate hundreds of homes. This breach has become a drainage point, diverting some of the Yom River’s waters before they reach the town center.

As a result of these breaches, the water level in the Yom River, which flows through the city of Sukhothai, has dropped by approximately 50 centimeters compared to yesterday.

It currently stands at 7 meters and 42 centimeters, which is below the critical level of 8 meters and 15 centimeters. This has brought relief to business owners in the economic zone.

In the Wang Hin community in Muang Sukhothai district, which was one of the first areas affected when the embankment along the Yom River collapsed two days ago, floodwaters have slightly receded in terms of intensity and water levels however, about 300 affected families continue to face severe hardships, particularly in obtaining clean drinking water and supplies.

They ask the authorities to help construct concrete barriers similar to those on the city side of Sukhothai to reduce the impact of annual flooding, which has become increasingly severe over the past three years.

Many have exhausted their resources repairing their homes after previous flood damage and desperately need assistance. (TNA)


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พ่อเมืองโคราชจัดตักบาตรพระสงฆ์หมื่นรูป ทำบุญเมือง 557 ปี

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