BANGKOK, July 9 (TNA) – The Ministry of Public Health developed the new device to eradicate mosquitoes, called Leo-Trap, which has proven to be effective to reduce the mosquito population.
Dr Sukhum Kanchanapimai, permanent secretary for public health said that scientists from the Department of Medical Sciences have developed the LeO-Trap, using the substance, extracted from clam to attract mosquitoes to lay eggs in the trap. A chemical substance in the water trap will kill larvae after emerging from eggs.
The technology has been transferred to a private company to produce the mosquito traps for commercial purposes.
The products are available for selling on Facebook and Instagram accounts – LeOtrap.
The test of its efficiency in Songkhla found that the products reduce about one million Aedes mosquitoes four weeks after laying the traps among 36 houses. (TNA)