Govt to Control Chicken, Chicken Meat Prices

NONTHABURI, Jan 19 (TNA) – The Central Committee on the Prices of Goods and Services resolved to control the prices of chickens and chicken meat and ordered large-scaled farms and slaughterhouses to declare their stocks and costs.

Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said after the committee’s meeting that the panel decided to control the prices of chickens and chicken meat and required any raiser who had 100,000 chickens or more and the owner of any slaughterhouse that processed over 4,000 chickens a day to declare their stocks and costs on monthly basis.

Besides, the committee also ordered the owners of 55 feed factories to report their costs, production volumes and stocks and seek approval from the Department of Internal Trade before changing product prices.

The Commerce Ministry would next week ask the cabinet to approve the resolutions of the price committee. Farmers and business operators cooperated well with authorities in their past two meetings and set their prices reasonably for consumers, Mr Jurin said. (TNA)


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