NANING, Sept 9 (TNA) – Construction of the Pinglu Canal, a future-oriented logistics project connecting Western China with Southeast Asia and the global market, is now more than halfway complete. The canal is expected to begin trial operations within the next two years.

The Pinglu Canal, located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China, commenced construction on August 28, 2022, with a total investment of 72.7 billion yuan (approximately 343 billion baht). This ambitious project is part of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and the New Western Land and Sea Corridor (NWLSC) master plan.
Stretching 134.2 kilometers, the canal connects Hengzhou County in Nanning to the Beibu Gulf. It features three ship locks, allowing for the passage of 5,000-ton vessels. Once completed, the canal is expected to reduce shipping time between the two endpoints to 15-17 hours.
As of now, earthwork and rock excavation for the Pinglu Canal project have reached 53.2% completion, employing nearly 20,000 workers.
Yuan Peng, Deputy Director of Engineering Department at Pinglu Canal Group Co., Ltd.,
highlighted that the construction of the Pinglu Canal, a product of entirely Chinese ingenuity, differs significantly from the Panama and Suez Canals in terms of geographic features, application of modern technology, and emphasis on environmental conservation. The project is scheduled for completion in 2026, with trial operations commencing in December of the same year. By 2035, the canal’s annual cargo throughput is projected to reach 95 million tons, further increasing to 150 million tons by 2050.

Previously, shipping between China and foreign countries had to take a detour through Guangdong Province in the east.
The opening of the Pinglu Canal will not only shorten China’s shipping distance to foreign countries by up to 600 kilometers but also provide greater opportunities for agricultural products from Thailand to enter the Chinese market. These goods can be transported via the Pinglu Canal to Nanning and then distributed by rail to central China, including Sichuan Province and Chongqing. -819 (TNA)