Cabinet Approves Visa-Free Entry for Arab Tourists

BANGKOK, May 28 (TNA) – The Thai Cabinet has approved a visa-free policy for tourists from Arab countries in an effort to stimulate the economy and boost tourism revenue.

The move comes after a successful trial period of visa-free entry for several countries in the past four months, which resulted in a 40% increase in tourist arrivals from China, India, Russia, and Kazakhstan, said government spokesperson, Chai Wacharonke.

The government is expanding the visa-free policy to cover a total of 93 countries, up from the previous 57 countries. The duration of stay for visa-free visitors has also been extended from 30 days to 60 days.

Additionally, 36 new countries and territories have been added to the list of countries eligible for a 30-day stay.

The specific inclusion of Arab countries in the visa-free policy is seen as a strategic move to attract tourists from the region, particularly during the hot summer months of June to August when many seek cooler climates. The government believes that these high-spending tourists can significantly contribute to Thailand’s tourism revenue.

The government estimates that the visa-free policy will generate tourism revenue of 3.5 trillion baht from 40 million tourists in 2024.

While acknowledging the loss of visa revenue, estimated at 12.3 billion baht per year, the government maintains that the economic benefits of increased tourism outweigh the financial losses. The government assures that immigration and police authorities will closely monitor arrivals and maintain security measures.

The visa-free policy for Arab tourists will take effect in June 2024, coinciding with the peak tourism season in the Gulf of Thailand. -819 (TNA)


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