
School Mourns Loss of Teacher Killed in Klong Toey Shooting

BANGKOK, Nov 13 (TNA) – Sacred Heart Convent School on Monday held a prayer ceremony to mourn the loss of “Teacher Jeab,” an innocent victim in the recent shooting in Klong Toey area, which may be linked to a student brawl between two rival vocational schools.

The school community gathered to offer their condolences for the departure of Miss Sirada Sinprasert, also known as Teacher Jeab, a computer teacher at Sacred Heart Convent School, who lost her life during a student shootout on Nov 11. The school administration assured full support and assistance to Teacher Jeab’s family.

Amid heightened security measures involving security officials and police, parents accompanied their children to school as usual.

Students placed flowers at the site of the incident in tribute, while police conducted training sessions on crisis response and preparedness for both teachers and students.

The gunman, riding pillion on a motorcycle approached a group of vocational students at the bus stop and opened fire at them. A student was severely injured after multiple gunshots and a bullet hit the bystander, identified as the teacher at a nearby school in the head. (TNA)


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