
Srettha to Sue Chuvit over Land Purchase Claims

BANGKOK, August 16 (TNA) – Srettha Thavisin, Pheu Thai’s prime ministerial candidate defended himself, saying the claims over irregularities on the purchase of land in Sukhumvit 55 by the property developer Sansiri Plc were baseless.

Srettha affirmed that Sansiri was operating with good governance under his term as its CEO after Chuvit Kamolvisit made allegations over the company’s use of nominees to purchase the land in the Thonglor area.

Srettha tweeted that having managed Sansiri for over 30 years and leading the company through various crises, he emphasized that the company has continuously grown with total assets amounting to nearly 130 billion baht and profits exceeding 4 billion baht in the past year. The company has earned the trust and recognition of customers, shareholders, and society at large. This serves as a testament to the company’s ethical management.

Seritha affirms that thorough investigations are welcomed from all sides. However, any investigation must be carried out with creativity and pure intent, focusing on accurate and unbiased truths. During his tenure as a company executive, the land purchases were conducted at market-appropriate prices. The land plot in Sukhumvit was purchased for the usual market rate of 1,100,000 baht per square wah during that time.

Srettha stressed that any claims of wrongdoing are unfounded and that the legal team will gather information to establish the truth and fight in accordance with the legal process. (TNA)


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