
Air Pollution Spikes in Thailand’s North

BANGKOK, March 27 (TNA) – Air pollution in northern provinces spiked past safe levels, prompting health authorities to urge people to stay indoors.

The Health Department said the concentration of PM2.5 in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district yesterday was at 32 times the level recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Permanent Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Jatuporn Buruspat ordered the Pollution Control Department to intensify measures to control forest fires in 17 northern provinces, which have been hit by hazardous levels of ultra-fine PM2.5 dust particles for several days.

The centre tasked with addressing air pollution reported the levels of PM2.5 exceeded the safety threshold in 24 provinces this morning.

In Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district, the dust level was measured at 534 microgrammes per cubic metre. The authorities said air pollution was caused by forest fires, agricultural burning, transboundary haze and stagnant weather condition. (TNA)


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