Digital TV Operators: World Cup Broadcast Quota Unfair

BANGKOK, Nov 21 (TNA) – Representatives of digital TV channels asked the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission to look into the allocation of live World Cup 2022 match broadcasts as they think it is unfair and favors some party.

The representatives filed their complaint with NBTC chairman Prof Dr Sarana Boonbaichaipruck and asked the commission to check the Sports Authority of Thailand’s allocation of live World Cup 2022 broadcasts to terrestrial digital TV stations.

They opposed the SAT’s exclusive permission for True Corp, which contributed 300 million baht for purchase of the broadcasting right, to broadcast 32 live World Cup 2022 matches through all platforms, choose the matches for the broadcasting and obtain commercial slots from digital TV stations participating in the World Cup 2022 broadcasting organized by the SAT.

The representatives of digital TV channels said the NBTC gave 600 million baht for the SAT to buy the World Cup broadcasting right from FIFA on the condition that all the 64 World Cup 2022 matches must be equally allocated to digital TV stations which contributed to the NBTC’s Broadcasting and Telecommunications Research and Development Fund for Public Interest.

However, the SAT allocated only 32 matches that True did not choose for other digital TV operators to broadcast. The allocation was unfair and discriminatory, blocked adequate access and apparently favored a single company, the representatives said. (TNA)


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