BURIRAM, Aug 14 (TNA) – The Zoological Park
Organization in cooperation with the private sector opened the Wetland and
Eastern Sarus Crane Conservation Center, the first of its kind in Thailand to save
the endangered bird species.
The center in the northern province of Buriram is the conservation
center and also the learning center about all cranes, found in Thailand.
The ZPO started breeding the cranes nine years ago and the
reintroduction programme has released 115 Eastern Sarus cranes into the wild.
They live in Buriram and the adjacent province of Surin.
Cranes are useful for organic farming in the province as they help
get rid of pests in paddy fields.
The ZPO assessed that there will be more than 200 Eastern Sarus
cranes in the wild in the next 3-5 years.
Besides the conservation programme, the province will also develop
ecotourism in the future. (TNA)