Chaopraya Abhaiphubejhr Hospital Proceeds with Marijuana Oil Production

BANGKOK, July 24 (TNA) – Chaopraya Abhaiphubejhr Hospital continues with its production of marijuana oil for medical purposes as its Parkinson’s disease patients respond positively to the oil.

Dr Supaporn Pitiporn, chief pharmacist at the hospital, said its medical marijuana clinic could not receive more patients because its stock of cannabidiol (CBD) oil was limited. The clinic was using the oil to treat Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy and some Parkinson’s disease patients responded well, she said.

According to her, the hospital will extract Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oil from marijuana that the Office of the Narcotics Control Board had seized. The marijuana was proved to be free of contamination with pesticide and cadmium. By Aug 23, the hospital will have produced 8,000 bottles of the oil.

The hospital will also import 2,500 marijuana seeds from the Netherlands and plant them in September. Six months afterwards, it will produce at least 4,300 bottles of marijuana oil. It will order the seeds from Charlotte’s Angel Co of the Netherlands. (TNA)


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