
Democrat Dismisses Media Reports about Talks on Govt Formation

BANGKOK, March 26 (TNA) – The Democrat Party which has
suffered the biggest loss in Thailand’s election has rejected media reports
that the party has been in talks with other parties for forming a coalition

Pro-military Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) and Pheu Thai
have both claimed victory in the Sunday’s polls, rushing to seek supports from
other parties and secure their alliances.  

Media reports say both parties have tried to negotiate with
the Democrat Party who wins 33 seats of constituency MPs according to latest
Election Commission’s unofficial results. 

Following the shock defeats in many contests including the
party’s strongholds in Bangkok and southern constituencies, former prime
minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has resigned as the party leader Sunday night.    

Abhisit, party executives and key members went to the
Democrat Party’s headquarters on Tuesday but it is unclear whether they
discussed about the future role of the party, which is expected to be the third
largest in the House of Representatives after Pheu Thai and PPRP. 

Abhisit said no party representatives had discussed about
forming a coalition with PPRP as rumoured.

Deputy leader and former finance minister Korn Chatikavanij
also confirmed the party’s position.

Korn is tipped to be one of the leading candidates to become
the next Democrat leader. 

The race to woo supports between the two rival camps could
take weeks as the Election Commission has said it will deliver the official
results of Thailand’s first election since the military coup in 2014 election
results by May 9. 

The PPRP claims victory with the largest share of the
popular vote while the Pheu Thai party insists it has the right to first form
the government with the biggest number of seats in the lower house.

The Pheu Thai argues that the party with the most
constituency MPs deserve the right to form a coalition government.  The PPRP insists that the legitimacy to form
a government rest with the total popular vote.

With 95 percent of votes counted, Pheu Thai wins 137 seats
and PPRP gets 97 seats from constituency races.    The PPRP defeats Pheu Thai with 7.93
million popular votes against 7.42 million. (TNA)


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พายุฤดูร้อนถล่ม 31 จังหวัด ฝนฟ้าคะนอง-ลมแรง

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