
Chinese Man Arrested for Holding Fake Thai ID

BANGKOK, March 4 (TNA) – A Chinese man was arrested for holding a fake Thai ID card and illegally registering businesses.

Immigration Bureau chief Pol Lt Gen Surachate Hakparn said the arrest was made at Suvarnabhumi Airport while he was entering the kingdom.

The Chinese man told the police he was a Henan native from China and confessed to holding the Thai ID card of a Thai man, named Thawatchai Laoyipa.  

He received the Thai ID card from the Wiang Kaen district office in Chiang Rai and used it to register businesses and to make financial transactions. 

During a subsequent search to his house and his office, the police found evidence that he cheated Chinese people by luring them to invest in real estate in industrial and tourism zones. Tens of millions of baht has been circulated in his company. 

The man operated his business in the form of an association, promoting Thai –Chinese relations to make it more credible. (TNA) 


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