BANGKOK, Nov 12 (TNA) — Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak expressed his delight at the efforts by the private sector to help prop up tourism after being informed that recently released tourism promotion campaigns were taking hold.
Mr Somkid was satisfied with the positive feedback that was received by the recent release of a short public relations video clip promoting tourism to the Chinese public which was adopted by the Tourism Authority of Thailand and with the help of Chinese E-commerce giant Alibaba who spread on its website.
The video clip campaigned China’s Single Day 11/11 and received more than 800 million Chinese followers on top of interests from other countries. The date was chosen because 11 – 11 resembles four ‘bare sticks’, a Chinese term for bachelor.
In conjunction with this, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports as well as other agencies involved in tourism will soon be launching tourist promotion campaigns of their own.
One measure that has already been approved by the cabinet is the exemption of VISA on Arrival fees for tourists from 21 target countries. Other campaigns such as special hotel and lodging packages, lower air fares and the Thailand Grand Sale campaign which were launched by the branches of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, Thai Airways International, Airports of Thailand Public Co Ltd will further help to motivate tourist interest for the remainder of the year.
More importantly, the aforementioned departments has announced that they will be working closely with the Ministry of Finance and the Immigration Bureau to come up with a big promotional package before the end of the year. (TNA)