BANGKOK, Nov 29 (TNA) – Thailand and Hong Kong have signed six Memoranda of
Understanding (MoUs) for an expansion in trade and investment links during the
visit of Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam to Thailand.
Thai Deputy PM Somkid Jatusripitak and Hong Kong’s Chief
Executive Carrie Lam on Friday co-chaired the meeting of the Hong Kong-Thailand
High-Level Joint Committee in Bangkok.
The meeting, held at Government House, was attended by the Ministers
of Finance and Industry and the executives from Stock Exchange of Thailand,
Securities and Federation of Thai Industries.
Six MoUs were signed by related agencies on trade and
investment, relocation of some Hong Kong production base to Thailand, finance,
securities cross-listing, creativity, innovation, human resources development
and startups.
Thailand and Hong Kong target to increase the value two-way
trade to US$20 billion by 2020.
After the opening of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office
in February this year, two sides also plan to start negotiation on the
framework of the drafted Thailand-Hong Kong FTA in 2021 after finishing the
full FTA studies in 2020. (TNA)