Air Purification Tower Installed in Bangkok to Ease Pollution

BANGKOK, Oct 10 (TNA) – An air purification tower is
installed in central Bangkok in an effort to ease PM2.5 pollution that has
periodically blanketed the capital city.

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has placed the
four-meter air purification tower in Ratchaprasong commercial district of
Bangkok, in a pilot project to test the effectiveness of the system.

The air purification which has been developed by a private
company in cooperation with Kasetsart University is capable of cleaning
polluted air in an area of 1,000 square meters.

Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang said while inspecting the
tower on Thursday that the BMA planned to compile data and evaluate the system
performance for one week before deciding whether to install more towers in the

If the air purifier proved effective, the BMA would consider
procurement and encourage private businesses such as department stores to
acquire the system to combat the fine particulate matter PM2.5.

The purifier was one of the measures BMA had implemented to
combat PM2.5 along with water spraying trucks to help reduce dust levels. 

In the past few weeks, Bangkok and adjacent provinces have
been hit with PM2.5 dust haze that is well above the healthy level of 50
micrograms per cubic meter. (TNA) 


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