
Court issues arrest warrants for Siam Paragon bombers

Court issues arrest warrants for Siam Paragon bombers
BANGKOK, Feb 4 — The court has approved the request for arrest warrants for two men suspected as the bombers at Siam Paragon shopping mall in the heart of Bangkok. 
The authorities pointed out there is a political motive behind the illegal act.
Royal Thai Police Deputy Commissioner Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda said the Criminal Court has approved issuing arrest warrants for the bombing suspects caught on CCTV footage at Siam Paragon on Sunday.
The footage showed two tall Thai men, whom police believe were the bombers, as further investigation revealed that the two suspects had arrived at the explosion scene via taxi before the two bombs exploded. The police also speculated that there are others involved in the crime.
According to the authorities, the blasts at Siam Paragon are similar to the incidents at Samarn Metta Mansion and in Minburi, where bombers had acted calmly, leading authorities to believe that they are professionals and that the recent bombings are not their first.
The police have connected the cause behind the bombings to political motivations, as past explosions were carried out using the same method. (MCOT online news) 


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