Bangkok Candidates Actively File Applications

BANGKOK, March 31 (TNA) – City Hall 2 in Din Daeng district was full of activity as candidates for the capital governorship and the Bangkok Council arrived to have their candidacy registered as Bangkok has been free of an election for nine years.

The Election Commission will receive candidacy applications from March 31 to April 4 and set the election date on May 22. Fourteen people together with their active teams of supporters showed up to run for the governorship this morning.

Independent candidate Chadchat Sittipunt arrived first on his bicycle at 6am. He said he wanted to turn Bangkok into a green city and during his vote campaigns he would emphasize environmental conservation ideas.

At 7am Sita Divari of the Thai Sang Thai Party showed up. He said he planned to first test the flood drainage systems of the capital because he believed that efficient management would increase the drainage capacity by 50%.

Democrat Party’s candidate Suchatvee Suwansawat said he would introduce free Wi-Fi internet access throughout the capital.

Independent candidate and former Bangkok governor Aswin Kwanmuang said if he won the election, he would proceed with his unfinished work. (TNA)


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