Thai Delegation Visits Xinjiang to Observe Uyghur Returnees

KASHGAR, March 19 (TNA) – A high-level Thai delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong, arrived in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on Wednesday to observe the conditions of Uyghurs repatriated from Thailand.

The delegation, which included senior government officials and media representatives, was received by Chinese officials, including Assistant Minister of Public Security Xu Datong and Deputy Party Secretary Qi Yanjun.

The visit aims to provide transparency regarding the treatment of 40 Uyghurs repatriated to China last month. The Thai delegation will receive briefings on their care and the procedures followed.

The delegation will split into two groups to visit Uyghur returnees’ homes. They will also hold discussions with Islamic religious leaders at the Id Kah Mosque and meet with medical personnel treating the Uyghurs. Later, they will meet with Ma Xingrui, Xinjiang’s Communist Party Secretary.

Prior to departure, Phumtham stated his intention to observe the 40 recently repatriated Uyghurs and requested a meeting with those returned in 2015.

Given the vastness of Xinjiang, three times the size of Thailand, visits will focus on homes near Kashgar, approximately 150-170 kilometers away, with video conferencing for those further afield.

“We aim to see the Uyghurs’ current situation and their vocational training, to understand the changes over the past decade. The request to blur their images stems from their desire to resume normal lives,” Phumtham said.

Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra emphasized the importance of transparency and human rights standards.

The Thai government reiterated its commitment to human rights and the well-being of the repatriated Uyghurs. -819 (TNA)


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