Thailand Delays Winter Arrival

BANGKOK, Oct 30 (TNA) – Thailand’s Meteorological Department has postponed its official announcement of the winter season, citing unfavorable weather conditions across the country.

The department had initially predicted that winter would arrive on October 29.

According to spokesperson for the Meteorological Department, the upper parts of Thailand are still experiencing rainfall and temperatures below 23 degrees Celsius are currently confined to the northern and northeastern regions. As a result, the department will wait for a more significant cold air mass to spread across the country before making a formal announcement. Officials expect to declare the onset of winter within the next two weeks.

The heavy rainfall and thunderstorms that struck Bangkok and its surrounding areas last night were caused by a strong cold air mass from China colliding with a western wind system. As the cold air mass gradually pushes the western wind system southward, northern Thailand is expected to experience drier conditions and cooler temperatures. -819 (TNA)


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