Bus Owner Offers Compensation after Fatal Fire

UTHAI THANI, Oct 4 (TNA) – The owner of a school bus that caught fire, killing 23 students and teachers in Uthai Thani province, has offered his condolences and provided initial compensation to the victims’ families.

He pledged to give full support and care to the three students who remain hospitalized.

Funeral rites started yesterday for the victims, as the community grapples with the tragedy. The ceremony took place in the multipurpose building of Wat Khao Phaya Sangkharam School in Uthai Thani Province.

His Majesty the King graciously appointed General Surayud Chulanont, President of the Privy Council, to place wreaths on behalf of His Majesty the King, Her Majesty the Queen, and members of the Royal Family in front of the coffins of the victims of the tour bus fire accident.

The Education Minister visited the families of the deceased, offering financial assistance and recognizing the bravery of teachers and staff who tried to help.

Police have charged the bus owner with negligence causing death and are investigating the company that installed the gas tanks on the bus. Experts are examining the vehicle to determine the cause of the fire.

Meanwhile, the local community has rallied together to support the victims’ families. Teachers and students from a nearby school have composed a poem in honor of the deceased and held a memorial service. – 819 (TNA)


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