“Labubu” Tattoo for Wealth Gains Goes Viral

BANGKOK, May 21 (TNA) – The “Labubu” craze shows no signs of slowing down in the art toy world, with prices continuing to soar. It has now even entered the magic tattoo realm, following a viral Labubu yantra tattoo meant to attract wealth.

A TikTok user shared an image of a Labubu yantra tattoo with inscriptions on a woman’s arm. After posting it on social media, it sparked widespread discussion and debate online.

Master Am Sripromyan and Master Seeharach Muanyan, the owners of the post, revealed that they have been tattooing yantras for over 20 years with thousands of Thai and foreign customers.

It started when their daughter liked Labubu, so they had the idea of turning Labubu into a completed yantra design. Seeing others do it online, they incorporated the Labubu shape into a money bag yantra pattern with unique inscriptions based on their teachers’ traditional spells, though not specifically about Labubu.

They added luck and charisma mantras into the letter designs. After taking a picture and sending it to the family Line group, their younger sister liked the unique design and wanted to get it tattooed, becoming the first person to get this Labubu yantra tattoo. They then posted it online, leading to it going viral.

The Labubu yantra is believed to bring great charm, popularity, and wealth. After their sister got the tattoo, they received an overwhelmingly positive response with many likes, shares and comments. They feel Labubu has a charming quality that attracts money and riches.

Master Am clarified that their center is the only one in Thailand that analyzes one’s fortune before performing any rituals or tattooing yantras. The Labubu yantra was a special creation inspired by his daughter’s interest. -819 (TNA)


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