Palm Oil Producing Countries to Increase Biodiesel Use

BANGKOK, July 1 (TNA) – Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia support the use of biodiesel to absorb palm supply, targeting to use B10-30 by next year.

Biodiesel Producer Associations of three countries met at the 2nd Palm Biodiesel Conference, held in Bangkok from July 1-2 to create the network, promoting innovation and the use of biodiesel.

The conference brings together stakeholders from the palm biodiesel industry, the government, oil companies, auto manufacturers and interested parties in ASEAN.

Thailand has crude palm oil (CPO) production capacity of three million tonnes per year and it plans to mandate B10, 10 per cent biodiesel blend as traditional diesel, replacing B7 in 2020.

Indonesia with CPO production capacity of 40 million tonnes per year will replace B20 with B30 by 2021. Malaysia will replace B10 with B20 in the transportation sector and tits industrial sector started using B7 today.

Sanin Triyanond, the chairman of the Thai Biodiesel Producer Association said that tripartite cooperation will send a signal to auto makers and oil companies to develop their products in the same direction.

He suggested that the new government should continue drafting the palm oil bill to set up a fund to oversee the management of the whole system as Malaysia does.

This will also stabilize biodiesel prices after the state Oil Fund plans to revoke price subsidies for some gasohol and biodiesel within three years. (TNA)


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