BANGKOK, May 18 (TNA) – Devout Buddhists throughout Thailand on Saturday offered morning alms, listened to teachings given by senior monks at temples to mark Visakha Bucha Day.
Visakha Bucha Day commemorates three major events in the life of Lord Buddha: his birth, his enlightenment and his death.
In Nakhon Phatom province, near Bangkok, Somkiart Thongsri, deputy director of National Office of Buddhism, presided over an alms ceremony at the Buddha Monthon Religious Complex while the abbot led some 400 Buddhist monks participated in the ceremony.
His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn has assigned Air Chief Marchal Chalit Pukphasuk, a Privy Councillor, to lead a candle light procession at the Buddha Monthon this evening. (TNA)