DEPA Join Forces with Japan to Develop IoT

BANGKOK, Nov 26 (TNA) — The President/CEO of the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) met with Japanese experts to discuss cross border cooperation in IoT to support investment potential.

Dr Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin the President/CEO of DEPA said that he had meat with Prof Jun Murai the dean of the Graduate school of Media and Governance at Keio University and the chairman of the IoT Acceleration Consortium of Japan. The consortium currently has more than 3,000 members.

Dr Nuttapon said that the meeting was aimed at developing cooperation between Thailand and Japan in IoT or Internet of Things which will take up a greater role in global affairs. 

In the meeting it was agreed that both countries join forces to develop technical expertise that will support future businesses opportunities and as a precursor to this, the joint organisation of the Thailand-Japan IoT Conference in 2019. 

The event will pool the talents of IoT specialists from both countries and serve as a platform for the exchange of technological ideas and most importantly allow new joint ventures to be birthed.

The realisation that both countries were steadily becoming an Aged Society also meant that  a discussion on the co-development of a suitable syllabus to develop underexploited aged technical experts, who have either retired or have minimal roles, in Quantum Computing became a priority. 

This syllabus will provide technical retirees with new knowledge to heighten their capabilities. This combined with their vast experience will allow them to return to the workforce and help both countries whose people are becoming older and older, negotiate the treacherous technological landscape looming in the near future 

Various ideas were discussed in the meeting some of which involve the real-world practical usage of IoT to help the agricultural, industrial and health and medical sectors of both countries to deal with the inevitable move to an Aged Society. (TNA)


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