Thailand Suspends Egyptian Flights, to Review Entry Rules for Foreigners

BANGKOK, July 14 (TNA) – Thailand has suspended flights, requested by the Egyptian military and will review entry rules for foreigners following  two recent foreign arrivals, who were infected with the virus and may violate isolation rules. 

The two cases were an Egyptian military officer and a daughter of a Sudanese diplomat, who were allowed to travel into the country after it eased restrictions for some groups of foreigners.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Cherdkiat Atthakor said the ministry asked the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) to review all measures imposed to allow entry of foreign diplomats. The ministry proposed they must be quarantined at facilities, designated by the Thai government at their own expense.

The existing regulations require them to undergo Coivd-19 tests and allow them to be quarantined in the premises of their embassies. 

Regarding the case of the Egyptian military officer, who was found infected with Covid-19 after he made stopovers at U-Tapao airport and visited public places, the spokesman said the Egyptian embassy expressed regret for the incident and was ready to cooperate with the Thai authorities.

Thailand has revoked its approval for the entries of Egypt’s two military flights and also rejected requests for six other flights, the foreign ministry spokesman said. (TNA)


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