Chinese Premier, Thai PM Exchange Congratulations on 45th Anniversary of Ties

BEIJING, July 2 (CCTV+) – 
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang exchanged congratulatory messages on Wednesday
with his Thai counterpart, Prayut Chan-o-cha, on the 45th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In his message, Li said China and Thailand are close and
friendly neighbors. Over the past 45 years, bilateral relations have developed
steadily with fruitful results in all areas of cooperation, bringing concrete
benefits to both peoples and setting an example for promoting relations between
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

This year, China and Thailand have helped and supported each
other in the fight against COVID-19, and further elevated their traditional
friendship of “being as close as a family,” Li said.

Li noted that China highly values developing relationship
with Thailand, and is ready to work with the Thai side to strengthen
anti-epidemic cooperation and advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation so
as to contribute to economic recovery and sustainable development in China,
Thailand, as well as ASEAN countries.

Prayut said in his congratulatory message that reviewing the
history of friendly cooperation between Thailand and China, the two sides have
always stood together through thick and thin and established a deep friendship.
“China and Thailand being as close as one family” vividly depicts
this special relationship.

As the ties between Thailand and China are about to enter a
new decade, it is necessary for the two countries to continue to uphold the
spirit of friendship and solidarity and meet the challenges together in the
face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty of the international
situation, he said.

The Thai government is ready to work closely with the
Chinese government to push bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative
partnership to a new level, he added. (CCTV+) 


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พ่อเมืองโคราชจัดตักบาตรพระสงฆ์หมื่นรูป ทำบุญเมือง 557 ปี

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