BANGKOK, Feb 25 (TNA) – The Land Transport Department provided public transport drivers with free physical checkups to ensure safe public services.
Executives of the department including its director-general Chirute Visalachitra launched the free checkup service on the first floor of Building 4 inside the compound of the department today. During the activity, tour bus drivers undergo basic physical checkups including lung X-rays and visibility tests and receive influenza vaccine.
Mr Chirute said that the health examination project of his department expanded from taxi drivers to cover the drivers of tour buses as the Thai Transportation Operators Association saw the importance of safe services by bus drivers.
According to him, officials from the Disease Control Department conducted the health checkup service to ensure the fitness to drive. Participating drivers received health certificates that they can present for the renewal of their driving licenses.
Earlier the Land Transport Department conducted such a physical checkup for 565 taxi drivers on Feb 12 and 13. (TNA)