Public Health Ministry Inspects Traveller Screening at Chiang Mai Airport

CHIANG MAI, Jan 29 (TNA) – Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul inspected screening for the new coronavirus at Chiang Mai airport.

The minister visited Chiang Mai International airport Wednesday morning to follow up surveillance measures of the airport in screening for travelers who may carry the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

The minister said he gave moral support to health officials and he was confident that all related agencies worked in the same direction.

The government prioritized public safety and also took care of tourists, he added.

During his visit, the minister gave away alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel to 27 inbound passengers, arriving from Shanghai by Spring Airlines.

Meanwhile, Airport deputy director Thananrat Prasertsri said Chiang Mai airport stepped up surveillance measures to the highest level, focusing on screening all travelers, arriving from China by all airlines. (TNA)


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