SME Bank provides RM100 million under ‘SME Go’ programme

SME Bank provides RM100 million under ‘SME Go’ programme
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 24 (Bernama) — SME Bank has allocated a RM100 million fund to provide funding with a payback period of up to 15 years for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to export their products under the SME Go programme.
The programme, held in collaboration with Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation, is an SME Bank initiative to support the government's pre-emptive measures to strengthen the economy, SME Bank said in a statement today.
"Eligible SMEs will be given help and advice as well as marketing assistance to penetrate the international market.
"To qualify for the loan, an SME owner must be a Malaysian with a minimum of three years in business and involved in industries or sectors promoted by the government or identified by SME Bank," it said.
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak laid out pre-emptive measures to offset the volatile economic conditions to deal with the plunge in crude oil prices and the weakening of the ringgit.
In an effort to help customers affected by the recent floods, SME Bank said it had deferred repayment of loans among victims for six months from December last year.
For more information on the SME Go funding, visit or call the customer service line at 1-800-88-3131. (BERNAMA) 


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