
Parents’ Protest Planned against Principal for Banning Hijabs 

PATTANI, May 23 (TNA) – Parents will call for the ouster of the principal of Anuban Pattani School for prohibiting students from wearing hijabs there. 

The conflict started in May 2018 as the management of the primary school said that students could not wear a hijab and had to follow its uniform regulations strictly because the school stood in the compound of a Buddhist temple, Wat Nopawongsaram. 

At the latest development, Sayan Sukchan, head of Protection Center, invited parents, religious leaders and representatives of the civil society to gather at the central mosque of Pattani on May 25 to call for the ouster of the principal of Anuban Pattani School. 

They planned to write a letter to the Pattani governor to demand the ouster for the principal’s failure to respect the basic rights of Thai citizens and rejecting a ruling of the Administration Court that already allowed Muslim students to wear their traditional clothing at schools. More than 3,000 people were expected to join the demonstration. (TNA)


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