No Worries on 16 New COVID Cases

BANGKOK, Nov 26 (TNA) – Thailand logged 16 new cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 but the big number does not raise a concern, according to a public health executive.

The 16 new cases were arrivals. Fifteen of them tested positive during their quarantine and the other did at a screening procedure upon arrival.

The new cases included 15 Thai people. Nine of them came from Turkey and one each from the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Sweden and Switzerland. The other is a foreigner who arrived from Kuwait.

Dr Sophon Iamsirithaworn, general communicable diseases director at the Department of Disease Control, said the big group of the new cases reflected the worldwide spread of COVID-19 but Thai people did not have to be worried.

The high number of the new cases showed that Thailand had an efficient system of surveillance and infection detection which could prevent disease transmission to people in the country, he said.

He urged people to wear face masks, regularly wash hands, observe social distancing and avoid crowded places because, he said, the World Health Organization reported that more than 50% of infected people were asymptomatic. Infected people without a symptom were not detected because they did not seek treatment, Dr Sophon said.

He also advised people to observe their health conditions, saying key symptoms of COVID-19 included respiratory symptoms and the loss of senses of smell and taste. (TNA)


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