Full Service at Schools Mulled

BANGKOK, Aug 7 (TNA) – Officials supervising lockdown easing considered the resumption of full service at schools and on passenger buses.

Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman of the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration, said CCSA’s sub-committee on lockdown easing was considering 100% service resumption at schools, full service on passenger buses, sports competitions with spectators, the return of inflight food and the closing time of entertainment places at 2am.

He also said that 110 soldiers from the United States who were visiting Thailand for military exercises already tested negative for COVID-19. They were staying at Anantara Riverside Hotel, The Idle Hotel and Conrad Hotel.

Dr Taweesin said people could find the list of hotels assigned to conduct Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) at www.hsscovid.com and most of them were premium hotels. The management of the hotels had the right to decide whether there should be a sign indicating their roles as ASQ.

He added that from now on the Public Health Ministry would hold press conferences to report updates on COVID-19 situations on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and he would announce only major developments and results from CCSA meetings at Government House. (TNA)


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