BANGKOK, April 13 (TNA) — The Royal Thai Air Force donated three robotic nurses to hospitals to protect the medical personnel who are treating patients of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
On behalf of the Royal Thai Air Force commander, AM Det-udom Khongsri, commander of the Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Thai Air Force Academy, presented three robotic nurses called RTAF Nursing_Bot to AM Kriangkrai Sothonchai, chief of the Directorate of Air Medical Services.
Two robots of the series A1 are capable of delivering food, medicines and clothes to patients. One robot of the series A2 has the same features plus automatic body temperature measurements, real-time recording and reporting of patients’ pictures and temperatures, and a computer tablet allowing medical personnel to talk to patients.
One A1 robot and one A2 robot will be forwarded to Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital and one A1 robot will go to Royal Thai Air Force Hospital (Si Kan). Their medical personnel were trained to control the robotic nurses. The Royal Thai Air Force will develop more robotic nurses with artificial intelligence so that they will not require control by medical personnel. It will also add more features of such robots to meet medical personnel’s needs.
On the same occasion, the chief of the Directorate of Air Medical Services also received another robot from Peepraphon Trakulchang, managing director of R V Connex Co. The robot can be applied to serve food and other items in restricted areas to help protect medical personnel. It includes a two-way communication system for communications with patients. (TNA)