Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak Still at Second Stage in Thailand

BANGKOK, March 16 (TNA) – The Thai government says the
coronavirus outbreak in the country is still at the 2nd stage after the biggest
daily jump of 32 new cases were reported on Sunday.

The new Covid-19 cases have brought the country’s total
cases to 114 since January, with 78 active cases.

Among the 32 cases, nine visited a boxing stadium in
Bangkok, three had contacts with tourists in a restaurant at the Suvarnabhumi
International Airport and one was a civil servant who was infected while on
duty in Spain, according to Dr. Sukhum Kanchanapimai, permanent secretary to
the Ministry of Public Health.

After new infections
have been linked to public places, the government has considered suspending
stadium, university classes, theaters and other public gatherings, sources say.

The government has already cancelled Songkran or Thai
traditional New Year holidays between April 13 and 15.

In an attempt to prevent a wider outbreak in the
tourism-reliant nation, the Public Health Ministry plans to a database of
public places linked with infections. 
Dr. Sukhum said this would help people to make necessary precautions.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has led officials in daily
meeting of a special taskforce on the coronavirus.  Related agencies updated on the situation,
new disease control measures and other actions to ease the impacts on the
country’s economy.

Meanwhile the Royal Thai Army confirmed that one of those
catching the virus at the boxing stadium is chief of the Army Welfare

Gen Nathaphon Srisawat, special adviser to the army, said on
Monday that Maj Gen Rachit Arunrangsi, director-general of the Army Welfare
Department, was infected while visiting the boxing stadium.

He had been treated at Phramongkutklao Hospital while 60
people in close contact with him had been in self-quarantine at homes, Gen
Nathaphon said. (TNA)


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