COVID-19 Kills 3 More, Local Cases Rise By 51
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) killed three more local people and rose the death toll to 26 while the number of local patients increased
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) killed three more local people and rose the death toll to 26 while the number of local patients increased
The chief of the Internal Trade Department insisted that there were enough supplies of medical masks and people should not be panicked
The confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) in the country remained at 33 and Thai people have not been banned from outbound trips,
จนท.แถลงข่าวการดูแลคนไทยหลังกลับอู่ฮั่น ทั้งหมด 138 คน เช้านี้มีเหลือ 4 คนยังมีข้อสงสัย อยู่ รพ.สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์ ส่วน 134 คนอยู่พื้นที่ควบคุมอาคารรับรอง อ่าวดงตาล ขอสื่อเรียก “คนไทยกลับบ้าน”
BANGKOK, Jan 27 (TNA) — The Thai embassy in Beijing is keeping in touch with Thai people in Wuhan and Hubei, according to the Foreign Ministry. Busadee Santipitaks, spokesperson of the ministry, said the ministry was aware of a call for help from Thai student Pasnicha Krutdamrongchai in Wuhan and the Thai embassy already contacted […]
Thai health officials have stepped up measures to screen Chinese visitors who are arriving for the Lunar New Year festival