
Royal Thai Army vows to end Siamese Rosewood smuggling

Royal Thai Army vows to end Siamese Rosewood smuggling
BANGKOK, Jan 8 — The Royal Thai Army affirmed that its 2nd Army Region Command and local administrative offices would work to their best ability to  prevent the trafficking of Siamese Rosewood, after a complaint suggested that officials have neglected their duties.
Army spokesman Col Winthai Suwaree confirmed, after a complaint to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to investigate the actions of army officers and local government officials at the 2nd Army Area, that they have neglected their duties in preventing the trafficking of Siamese Rosewood in the northeastern region.
The army spokesperson said officials in the area have acted to the best of their abilities continuously to end to the rare woods smuggling and have reportrfing the results of each operation back to the Army chief. 
Statistics show arrests made, while the Border Protection Task Force has done its best to prevent illegal activities along the borders, all of which has been closely monitored by the army chief, said the military spokesman. The results of all operations have proven to be efficient and are on target, he said.
The army spokesman said the complaint could be a misunderstanding or could lack vital information and data. The 2nd Army Region Command, meanwhile, stressed that it would further coordinate regarding the matter to ensure that all data is correct. (MCOT online news) 


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