
Body of British woman sent to hospital for autopsy

Body of British woman sent to hospital for autopsy
SURAT THANI, Jan 24 — The body of a British woman who was found dead in a bungalow room at a resort in southern Thailand earlier this week was transported to a police hospital in the capital for an autopsy before dawn on Saturday, police said.
They said the body of 23-year-old Christina Annesley was sent to Police General Hospital’s Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bangkok for an autopsy to find out the actual cause of her death.
Ms Annesley was found dead in her bungalow room on Ko Tao, a small island in the Gulf of Thailand off the coastal province of Surat Thani, on January 20.
Police have said earlier that there was no signs of a struggle in her room and her body bore no wounds.  
It is expected that her body would reach the hospital at about 2pm.
The incident comes in the wake of two young British tourists who were found dead on Ko Tao in mid-September last year. 
David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found brutally murdered on one beach of the island while police said the woman was also raped.
Police later arrested two Myanmar nationals and charged them with the murder of Mr Miller and the rape and murder of Ms Witheridge. (MCOT online news)


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